3 Marketing Tactics To Use As An Author Of Children's Bedtime Board Books

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3 Marketing Tactics To Use As An Author Of Children's Bedtime Board Books

Being the author of children's books means you are marketing to parents for their children, which can make your marketing efforts a little harder than what it may be for others. Getting creative with your marketing efforts is the best way to gain some level of success with book sales. Here is a look at a few marketing tactics to use as an author of children's bedtime board books. 

Create a blog for your website and write about the benefits of reading to children. 

Having your own author website is highly important to marketing your books, but many authors assume that a blog does not really serve the site well. A blog can do wonders for book sales if done properly. For example, you can incorporate blog pieces on your website that teach parents about the benefits of reading to children at an early age or at bedtime. When people start looking for this information and stumble upon one of your blog pieces, they may naturally head to your shopping pages to pick up a few of your books to bring home. 

Set up a live book reading event at the local public library. 

Local libraries often host guests to read to children during story times, and this can be an excellent opportunity to introduce children and their parents to your board books for the first time. Make sure you bring along a few of your books to set up for parents to look at and consider purchasing at the event. This one little thing can be enough to both build your reputation as a children's book author and get the word out about how children love your stories.  

Donate some of your books to non-profit events and organizations. 

Getting your name out there in the eye of the public by helping a good cause is a good marketing ploy, and this kind of marketing tactic has proven effective for many types of business owners, not just authors. If there is a local book drive, toy drive, or other non-profit event taking place, take the initiative to donate a few books and even make an appearance at the event that is taking place. For example, at a toy drive for the community, maybe you could offer your help to distribute the toys once donations are collected. These kinds of things can truly help you gain more interest in your work as an author. 

Contact an online bookstore like Books of the Tundra Ltd. for more information on promoting your books.

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Capitalizing On Business There are a lot of different ways that businesses can make money, but the fact of the matter is that only some of the ways can stand the test of time. I have always loved studying what makes various businesses successful, and it has been interesting to learn more and more about how companies can live or die by their own ideas and morals. On this blog, I wanted to open up the floodgates on discussions to talk about business, because it really can help other people to learn more about business and what makes a company great. Read more to enlighten yourself.

